

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Overall Peace

Okay. So, I have learned a few things about myself since the first post. 1) I should not title my blog posts as Day 1, Day 2, etc. because clearly I am NOT as dilligent as Julia! 2) the more I read the more I'm learning that financial peace goes hand-in-hand with all around peace, so I am broadening my scope of reflection a bit to include... well... life.

Anyways, growth has continued as hoped. I made it through Dave's description of the snowball method and I am officially hooked. For anyone who isn't sold completely on the idea should simply skip straight to that section and you will be. Not rocket science... just makes sense. I have also gotten VERY inspired in regards to finding secondary sources of income. This is actually really fun. I've been looking for new adventures to challenge myself and well, they keep popping up.... divine intervention is amazing isn't it? I am planning to teach GRE classes, proctor ACT tests, and hopefully pick up some clients for statistics consulting. I am quite possibly one of the only people on the planet who enjoys entering data and setting up SPSS files, so I figure don't feel like a weirdo... MARKET IT! haha! We'll see! I am just encouraged though and hope others find the same inspiration.

My favorite reflection however is from the book Eat, Pray, Love which I am also reading right now. Elizabeth is describing the moment when she realized she wanted a spiritual teacher and it is the exact experience I had when I realized where I had gone wrong in all my previous relationships. Simply insert leader for teacher and this was our shared experience:

He said, "that is my spiritual [leader]." My heart skipped a beat and then flat-out tripped over itself and fell on it's face. Then my heart stood up, brushed itself off, took a deep breath and announced: "I want a spiritual [leader]." I literally meant that it was my heart who said this, speaking through my mouth. I felt this weird division in myself, and my mind stepped out of my body for a moment, spun around to face my heart in astonishment and silently asked,"You DO?" "Yes," replied my heart. "I do." Then my mind asked my heart, a tad sarcastically: "Since WHEN?"

I had an epiphany moment while in church standing next to the man who would be the ultimate spiritual leader and realized, why have I been so stubborn thinking I can do this all on my own? A spiritual leader does not come at the expense of loss of independence. When I reflect on the marriages I aspire to, it's the ones that has a male spiritual leader and a resulting bond between two that is inseparable because they are bonded through Christ. Now THAT kind of relationship a strong woman makes... not a relationship with a selfish man who is not willing or able to lead. Again, rocket science? No. Hit me like a ton of bricks all the same? Yes. It wasn't so much the realization that it was what I needed but it was the realization that I choose. I choose to be with a man who is a spiritual leader or a man who is not. The bar has now been set high and I aim to keep it there. Ladies... I recommend doing the same.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 1

In the spirit of Julie and Julia, I have decided that rather than starting a traditional journal which I will lose, end up writing grocery lists in, and have no finished record of my journey... I will blog.

I am starting day 1 of my journey towards financial peace. I am accompanied by Dave Ramsey of course (via his book, webiste, etc.) and the support and guidance of the friends God has blesesed me with. Why now I ask myself? Well, thanks to the influence of a wonderful friend that entered my life about two months ago my eyes and heart have been opened to a fuller life that is focused on serving God through living a life of discipline and service to others. I am anxiously anticipating marking the true start of my journey when I am baptized in the near future, truly dedicating myself to being a Disciple of Christ in the Baptist faith where I have found my home. My heart is exploding with excitement, especially to be able to pass this commitment on to my daughter.

If anyone else out there remembers what it was like to be at this crossroads or is currently there I hope you will share. I just witnessed an incredible sermon that focused on the Christian Family. When we share in the Lord's supper, we are reminded that just as we sit around our kitchen tables at home to share a meal with family, we share a meal in our church homes with our Christian brothers and sisters. I am a single mom with an amazing 18 month old daughter. It is easy to at times feel very alone... and it warms my heart to be reminded that we are never alone.

So, that's enough about me for now. Let's get started on the journey. At the end of chapter 4 Dave encourages us all to think about the minor and major changes we personally need to make to take control of our financial situation. Here are mine:
1) Always know exactly what you have in your accounts.
2) Anticipate costs and save for those. Do not rely on savings to handle the unexpected.
3) Be more creative and intentional in finding ways to save and celebrate with little cost.
4) Be sure to not let stuffitis creep in.
5) Make giving a priority.
6) Build financial management into my daily routine.
7) Set timelines for paying off debt and saving.
8) Lower my montly bills and increase my monthly income. There are ways and it is worth it to making it to the finish line but without sacrificing time with my child.

Ok Dave - there they are... now teach me what to do about it!

Any and all prayers are welcome as I begin :)